About us | Who is Linetas
Who is Linetas
Who is Linetas? I am an engineer and scientist by education. I live close to the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. To keep my work as a manager in engineering and science separate from my work as an artist, I use the artist name Linetas. Photo taken by son Erik (13 years old).
Who are your sources of inspiration?
My key sources of inspiration as a photographer, are the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 -1519), Jheronimus Bosch (1450-1516), Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 – 1669), and Egon Schiele (1890 – 1918). Whenever I study their artwork, it sends shivers down my spine. The way how they blend passion, creativity, intelligence, intimacy, spirituality and craftsmanship into their artwork …….. It just blows me away.
When did you start taking photographs?
A couple of years ago, I was struggling to find the right nude art photographs on the web, as a source of inspiration for my drawings. Hence, I decided to buy myself a photo camera. The original idea was to take pictures, to be used as a reference for my drawings. Then I quickly fell in love with the art of nude photography. The rest is history …….
What drives you?
I am fascinated by the combination of sensuality, serenity and spirituality. They form a perfect match. A very powerful, and colorful mix. To me, they form a limitless source of inspiration.
Light versus darkness
Photography literally means writing (graphy) with light (photo). When you make a drawing, you do the opposite. You write with darkness (lines, contours, shadows) on a white, or light colored substrate. In both cases, it is all about playing with light and darkness. Experimenting with both techniques keeps you sharp. It invites you to observe in various ways.
Science versus art
As a engineer and scientist by education, I love to explore the essence of nature, science and art. What does the word essence mean in the context of fine art? To me, fine art is emotional energy. Frozen in time. Preserved for the ages.
Classical versus modern
How to capture the splendor of the human form? I love to experiment with both classical and modern art. Every medium and technique, has its own charm and challenges. I love to observe, how fresh oil paint mixes on your palette. How rice paper absorbs sumi-e ink. How digital image filters can change the look of a picture.
Erotic versus divine
Sometimes, I add a subtle sensual and erotic fragrance to my work. This gives the human body an extra dimension and quality. It transcends the earthly body of flesh and blood. The body becomes spiritual and divine. Beyond our comprehension and imagination.
What are your future plans?
A the moment, I am diligently studying traditional drawing techniques (chalk, charcoal, feather quill, and silver-point pen) and classical painting techniques (oil, sumi-e, alla prima). My ambition as an artist is, to combine these traditional techniques, with state of the art contemporary digital image processing, and printing techniques.
Contact me
Feel free to contact me with questions or remarks.
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